Surgery Information

San Diego Outpatient Surgical Center is very pleased that you and your doctor will be with us for your surgery. Our facility is designed, equipped and staffed to provide you with a comfortable and safe environment for your outpatient surgery. Our anesthesiologists and nursing staff are highly qualified, licensed health care professionals.

Because of significant advances in medical technology, we can offer you the services you need without an overnight stay in the hospital. You can go home the same day you have surgery and recover in the supportive and familiar surroundings of your own home.

The following information has been put together for your convenience, health and safety. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, our well-informed staff is ready and willing to help you prepare for your visit to the Center. Our business office is open from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. weekdays.


Before Surgery


Arrangements Before Surgery

Two or three days prior to your scheduled surgery, please call the Center to have a health history taken by a staff nurse. You will also be asked to provide some general information necessary to complete your medical record and get you preregistered.

You must make arrangements for transportation home from the Surgical Center with a responsible adult. You will NOT be permitted to leave the Center alone after having an anesthetic or sedative. We recommend that a responsible adult be with you for at least twenty-four hours after you are discharged.

If you are under the age of 18, a parent or guardian must accompany you to the Center and plan to stay during the surgical procedure and recovery period.

Before Your Surgery

DO NOT eat, smoke or drink anything (including water, gum or mints) after midnight the night before your surgery unless your physician or preoperative nurse has otherwise instructed you. Eating or drinking eight hours before a surgery may necessitate its cancellation. You may brush your teeth and rinse your mouth, but do not swallow. Special instructions will be given for children and people taking medications.

Call your surgeon’s office if a change in your physical condition develops, such as a cold, fever, persistent cough, other signs of illness or the possibility of pregnancy.

On the Day of Surgery


Things To Do THe Day Of Surgery

  • Bathe or shower the morning of your surgery to minimize the risk of infection.

  • Plan to arrive at the Center one hour before your scheduled surgery time.

  • Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes and flat shoes. You will be furnished with a patient gown to wear during surgery and recovery.

  • DO NOT wear contact lenses. Jewelry, makeup and nail polish are not recommended.

  • Leave all valuables, including your wallet or purse, at home. We have no provisions for their safekeeping and will not be responsible for them.

  • If your child is having surgery, please bring extra diapers, a blanket and a favorite toy or stuffed animal.

  • Upon arrival, please register at the front desk. Bring your driver’s license or photo ID and your insurance card. You will be asked to verify information and complete several registration forms.

  • Due to limited seating in our lobby, please try to have only one family member/friend with you.

After Surgery


Things To Note When Your Surgery Is Complete

  • You will rest in the recovery room under the care of specially trained nurses. Your anesthesiologist will monitor your condition. Plan to be in the recovery room for approximately 1-2 hours, depending on the surgery performed and the type of anesthesia you received.

  • Pain medications will be given to keep you comfortable.

  • Prior to discharge from the Center, the nurses will answer your questions and give you both verbal and written instructions concerning your post-operative care, medications, diet and follow-up as prescribed by your doctor.

  • It is quite normal to feel light-headed or tired after surgery. You may be sleepy or dizzy even after you are discharged. That is why you must not drive or take a taxi home alone. You must have a responsible adult with you to take you home.

  • Even though you may feel fine, plan to have someone stay with you through the first night. Do not make important decisions, drive or operate machinery during the 24-hour period following your surgery.

  • If you experience any problems or have any concerns following your discharge, contact your physician directly. If you feel you need immediate medical attention, go to the nearest emergency facility.


  • Expect a follow-up call from our nursing staff within a few days of your surgery to check on your progress and answer any questions you may have.


Location + Directions

It is important that you make it to your surgical appointment on time. We have clear directions on how to get to our facility easily and safely.

See Directions »

Financial Policy

We are very pleased that you will be with us for your surgery. We need your assistance in understanding our payment policy.

See Financial Policy »

Disclaimer & Privacy Policy

Our Center is committed to providing you with the best possible care. In order to achieve this goal, we need your assistance in understanding our disclaimer and privacy policy.

See Disclaimer & Privacy Policy »