Frequently Asked Questions


We know that getting ready for your surgery can be overwhelming. Here are answers to our top FAQs.

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Why Choose an Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC)?

When patients choose to use an outpatient surgery center, most find that the process is much more convenient, as well as more personal. Our specialized, focused staff helps each patient's visit go as quickly and smoothly as possible.

All procedures are scheduled.  We know exactly how many patients we will serve each day and that number is limited to ensure very individualized care.  Surgeries are rarely bumped or delayed by an emergency case.

Since we do not have the overhead associated with a hospital, an ASC is typically able to perform your procedure at the same high level of care but at a lower cost, an especially nice advantage if you have a copay and/or high deductible.

We see surgical patients only.  If a scheduled patient becomes ill, the surgery will be postponed.  This reduces the chance of cross infection and lowers the opportunity for someone else’s illness to become yours.

What do I need to do before my surgery date?

We can easily complete all the paperwork needed when you are admitted on the day of your surgery.  A blank health history form is available on this site (insert link) if you would like to fill it out before you arrive.  It is also helpful to bring a list of all medications.  Be sure to include any herbal medications or “over the counter” products, like aspirins or diet aids.

 Some patients do choose to come to the Center before their actual surgery date to complete the registration forms, fill out a health history questionnaire or to make a payment. This is entirely up to you.  You’re welcome to stop by anytime during normal business hours.

If your child is having a procedure, a visit to the Center before the day of surgery is often helpful and comforting.

Will I be contacted before my surgery?

Yes, we call each patient before their surgery to gather information and answer any questions you may have for us. You will be contacted by a nurse and, as needed, by the business office.

What if I need to cancel my surgery?

Please notify both your surgeon’s office and the Surgery Center at 619-299-9530 as early as possible if you cannot make your scheduled appointment.

What should I do if I am not feeling well prior to my surgery date?

If you are not feeling well, please contact your surgeon immediately. During normal business hours, you may also call the Center at 619-299-9530 for advice. Your surgery may need to be rescheduled.

What should I wear?

Please wear comfortable clothing and shoes. Please do not wear any make-up. Leave all jewelry at home, including body-piercings. If you wear contact lenses, consider wearing your glasses instead; otherwise, please bring contact solution and your contacts case.

Should I bathe before leaving home?

Yes, it is actually recommended to shower or bathe before your surgery to reduce the chance of infection.

What must I bring with me on the day of surgery?

  • Bring your medical insurance cards, your driver’s license or ID card, any completed forms and required copayments.

  • Bring any special needs items such as walkers, post-op crutches, hearing aids, etc.

  • And ALWAYS bring your accompanying adult/ride home!

May I bring my cell phone?

Since many rely on cell phones for communication and information storage, you may bring your cell phone with you. However, be prepared to leave it with your accompanying adult or have it turned off during your time in the facility. Cell phone use in the clinical area is prohibited and the Center cannot be responsible for the phone’s safe keeping.

Should I take my usual daily medication?

That is too general of a question for a standard answer.  Medications are managed on an individualized basis.  A nurse will contact you before your surgery and review your medications with you leaving no doubt in your mind as to which medications you should take and which medications should be stopped.

 People using inhalers should bring them to the Surgery Center on the day of surgery.

Why can’t I have anything to eat or drink prior to my surgery?

You are asked to refrain from eating and/or drinking prior to surgery in order to prevent the risks associated with aspirating during your surgery.  This complication is very serious and you need to strictly abide by the NPO (nothing by mouth) instructions.  Your surgery may be cancelled if you do not comply.

 You may brush your teeth, but do not swallow.  If instructed to take your regular medications, you may do so with a sip of water.

Who may come with me to my surgery?

Due to limited seating, it is recommended that you bring only one person with you to the Surgery Center. Also, if possible, please do not bring young children along.

May I drive myself home after my surgery?

No, patients receiving anesthesia/sedation should not drive! Please make appropriate arrangements for a ride home and have a responsible adult present to accompany you (even if you are taking public transportation) and stay with you at home through the first night.

What should I do if I started my menstrual cycle?

This will not affect most surgical procedures.

What should I do if I believe that I am pregnant?

It is very important for us to be aware of this possibility. Only essential surgery is done on pregnant patients. If there is any chance or doubt, please contact us immediately.

What if I have special needs?

Please do not hesitate to call us at 619-299-9530 in advance of your surgery so we can make every effort to accommodate any special needs you may have.